Agoraphobia Therapy in Vaughan

What is Agoraphobia Counselling?

It is no secret that everyone experiences some form of anxiety in their lives. However, if your anxiety disorder is causing you to experience panic attacks in public places, feel frightened when you are in a crowd, being outside of your home, or your anxiety is making it challenging for you to complete everyday activities, you may be suffering from agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is a common type of anxiety disorder and can be treated with agoraphobia counseling. When dealing with this type of anxiety disorder, healthcare professionals take a number of different routes that may help someone dealing with agoraphobia. Some of these include using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), relaxation techniques, and desensitization techniques. All of these combined may be able to help with overcoming the fear of danger. This type of counseling can help those affected with agoraphobia to start living their lives again. 

How Does Counselling Work for agoraphobia?

If you have never been to see a psychotherapist, or been to any sort of counselling in your life, it can be quite daunting. But, psychotherapy doesn’t have to be scary. If you are someone who is suffering from agoraphobia, going to see a mental health professional and assessing your options for agoraphobia therapy may be the best option for you. Once you are diagnosed, you will be referred to a psychotherapist and you can begin your treatment. Usually agoraphobia is treated with both psychotherapy and medication. Once you have consulted with your doctor you can decide which is the best option for you. Agoraphobia therapy has many different forms of treatment. First you will work with a psychotherapist to learn practical skills to help reduce your anxiety. Cognitive behavioural therapy is an extremely effective form of psychotherapy that can help with anxiety disorders. It will help you to tolerate any panic attacks or anxiety and allow you to return to the activities you have avoided because of your agoraphobia. Through this process you should see a dramatic improvement in your symptoms. Another method of agoraphobia counselling is medication. Medication may be an effective way to treat agoraphobia and other anxiety related disorders. However, not everyone needs or wants medication and that decision will be left strictly to you and your mental health professional.

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Why is Agoraphobia Counselling important?

It is important for our mental health, to be able to get out and do the things we want to do. That might include going to the store or going for a walk. For most of us, this may sound simple, but for someone suffering with agoraphobia, this could sound like the hardest thing in the world. That is why agoraphobia counseling can be extremely beneficial for people living with the disorder. It can be a huge burden for someone living with this disorder to complete day-to-day tasks. Help is available and making the decision to go to therapy for agoraphobia is the first step in the right direction. 

Who uses agoraphobia counselling services?

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that can affect anyone. Sometimes it can begin as early as childhood. It is most often found in women who are in their late teen or early adult years; usually under 35. Nevertheless, this disorder can affect everyone around the person who has been diagnosed. Being able to go about your daily life without the fear and anxiety like a person living with agoraphobia is, is an ability everyone should be able to possess. A lot of people are living with this disorder and many of them have decided to try agoraphobia counselling. This type of counselling connects people with mental health professionals and psychotherapists in the hope to overcome their anxiety related disorder. 

If you think you need this kind of help, reach out. By doing so you are not only helping yourself, but also the people around you who love you and want to see you get better. The people who seek out agoraphobia treatment are the ones who want to be able to take their kids to the park on a summer day. They want to be able to do the school run with their kids. They want to be able to meet their friends for coffee, and go to the mall, and to concerts in the summer. People who seek out this kind of counselling are the people who want to get better and who want to take control over something that is holding them back.  Agoraphobia counselling may take anywhere from 12 – 20 weeks, depending if that person is taking medication or not. If medication is not being used then treatment may take up to a year. It is important to surround yourself with people who will be patient with you and will support you throughout your journey. 

When to seek help for agoraphobia symptoms? 

Realizing that you may have an anxiety disorder, researching it, and wanting to get started on your journey to rehabilitation is the first step in the right direction. First, you must understand the signs and symptoms of someone living with agoraphobia, and then, understanding how agoraphobia counselling is can help you. Let’s take a look at some symptoms of agoraphobia:

  • Fear of crowds or waiting in line
  • Fear of leaving the home
  • Fear of enclosed spaces (elevators, movie theatres)
  • Fear of open spaces (parking lot, mall)
  • Fear of using public transport

Although it is unclear what causes agoraphobia, it can be linked back to an existing panic disorder. Agoraphobia may feel like:

  • Chest pain or rapid heart rate
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Fear or shaky feeling
  • Hyperventilation or heavy breathing
  • Hyperhidrosis
  • Nausea 

If this sounds like something you or a loved one has been through on more than one occasion, it may be time to seek out agoraphobia therapy. 

How much does agoraphobia counselling cost?

When it comes to mental health there is no price we can put on it. Because all of our patients have different needs, and everyone is going to need a different type and length of agoraphobia counselling, everyone’s cost is going to look different. InnerSight is dedicated to working with people in the hopes they will overcome any challenges they are facing with their mental health. If you meet with one of our psychotherapists about agoraphobia therapy, a payment plan will be discussed between you and your doctor. 

What is InnerSight Psychotherapy’s process for working with clients who require agoraphobia counselling?

At InnerSight Psychotherapy, we are passionate about helping people on their way to rehabilitation. We know that everyone is on their own journey. Some may have never been to a therapist before, some may have never found someone they connected with. Our team is devoted to helping you find the right person that can help you to understand what is going on and what your anxiety disorder means. At InnerSight, you can book a free consultation for agoraphobia counselling in Vaughan or online. This can be extremely beneficial for someone who is not comfortable leaving the house. We will connect you with a therapist who we think will be the most beneficial to you and they will be able to guide you on your path to recovery. 

How Can InnerSight Psychotherapists Help You?

Our Psychotherapists have been professionally trained and they strive to help you and to make sure that your experience at InnerSight will bring you the help you are looking for. Because our Psychotherapists offer agoraphobia counselling in Vaughan or online, it makes it easy for you to decide which one you feel more comfortable with. Once you have made some progress, and you are doing sessions from home, your Psychotherapist may suggest an in-person visit to the clinic; if they think it would be beneficial to you. The clinic is a safe space and your therapist wants to make you feel comfortable in any way they can. 

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