Sexuality Therapy & Counselling in Vaughan

Addressing Sexual Issues with Empathy

Sexuality is a multi-faceted arena that affects many areas of our lives, including our relationships and our state of physical and mental health. It encompasses a lot more than the ability to enjoy healthy sexual relationships. In some cases, sexuality can refer to a person’s values surrounding sex, or their sexual confidence and feeling of self-worth. In other words, sexuality is something that affects us all, whether or not we are sexually active.

Historically, society has shied away from discussions about sexuality. Fortunately, we are more open to talking about it with our partners, doctors and children. Communication about sexuality goes a long way to contributing to happy relationships, reducing unwanted teenage pregnancies, and breaking stigmas and myths that surround sexuality.

As with many things, sexuality is not always straightforward. It can be complicated by a number of things, including the following:

  • Sexual orientation and gender identity: Members of the LGBT community may face challenges before, during and after a gender transition, or as a result of discrimination
  • Personal history: Sexual assault survivors may struggle to form relationships or engage in sexual activity. Years after the abuse has ended, they can be triggered by certain acts or touches.
  • Pregnancy: Many couples struggle to maintain a healthy sex live during pregnancy, sometimes because of physical discomfort, and sometimes because they fear for the safety of the unborn baby.
  • The reproductive cycle: Sexual desires can change significantly as a woman goes through her monthly cycle. During certain times, various parts of her body can become oversensitive to touch. Sexuality also factors into discussions about planning pregnancies or dealing with unplanned pregnancies. Many couples also have to face the gut wrenching reality of infertility.
  • Sexual dysfunction: Although most people associate sexual dysfunction with men, it can happen to women as well.
  • Children: Opinions vary as to how parents should talk to their children about sexuality, but almost everyone agrees that discussions about consent are important from an early age. Research has shown that abstinence-based sex education actually results in higher levels of teenage pregnancy: it is more important for children and young adults to be informed about sex and sexuality in an age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate manner.

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Importance of Seeking Help

Sexual issues can be emotionally challenging and may cause distress, anxiety, and relationship problems. Seeking help from a sexuality counsellor or therapist can provide clients with the support and guidance needed to address these issues. A sexuality counsellor or therapist can help clients develop coping strategies, enhance communication skills, and build a more fulfilling sexual relationship.

The Role of Sexuality Counselling & Therapy

Providing a Safe Space

Sexuality counselling & therapy provides a safe and confidential space for clients to discuss their sexual concerns and issues. The therapist provides a non-judgmental and supportive environment for clients to explore their emotions, feelings, and beliefs about sexuality.

Exploration of Sexuality

Sexuality counselling & therapy helps clients explore their sexuality and develop a healthy and positive sexual self-image. The therapist helps clients identify their sexual preferences, desires, and boundaries and develop strategies to express their sexuality in a healthy and positive way.

Addressing Sexual Issues

Sexuality counselling & therapy helps clients address sexual issues such as low libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, painful intercourse, and sexual orientation confusion. The therapist works with clients to identify the underlying causes of their sexual issues and develop effective treatment strategies.

The Process of Sexuality Counselling & Therapy

Assessing the Client’s Needs

The therapist conducts an initial assessment to identify the client’s sexual concerns, history, and goals. The therapist uses various assessment tools to gather information about the client’s sexual health and well-being.

Developing Treatment Goals

The therapist works with the client to develop treatment goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. The therapist collaborates with the client to develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses their unique needs and concerns.

Implementing Treatment

The therapist implements the treatment plan by using various psychotherapeutic techniques such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, mindfulness-based therapy, and psychodynamic therapy. The therapist also provides education, support, and guidance to help clients overcome their sexual issues and develop a healthy and positive sexual self-image.

Common Sexual Issues Addressed in Sexuality Counselling & Therapy

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a common sexual issue faced by men. It is characterized by difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection during sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physical factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease or psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Sexuality counselling & therapy can help individuals address the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction and develop effective treatment strategies such as medication, lifestyle changes, and therapy.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is another common sexual issue faced by men. It is characterized by ejaculation that occurs too quickly during sexual activity, leading to dissatisfaction for both partners. Premature ejaculation can be caused by physical factors such as inflammation of the prostate gland, hormonal imbalances or psychological factors such as anxiety, stress, and relationship problems. Sexuality counselling & therapy can help individuals develop coping strategies to manage premature ejaculation and improve sexual satisfaction.

Painful Intercourse

Painful intercourse is a common sexual issue faced by women. It is characterized by pain or discomfort during sexual activity, which can be caused by physical factors such as vaginal infections, hormonal imbalances or psychological factors such as anxiety, fear, and relationship problems. Sexuality counselling & therapy can help individuals address the underlying causes of painful intercourse and develop effective treatment strategies such as medication, relaxation techniques, and therapy.

Low Libido

Low libido is a common sexual issue faced by both men and women. It is characterized by a decrease in sexual desire, which can be caused by physical factors such as hormonal imbalances, medication side effects, or psychological factors such as stress, depression, and relationship problems. Sexuality counselling & therapy can help individuals identify the underlying causes of low libido and develop effective treatment strategies such as medication, lifestyle changes, and therapy.

Sexual Orientation Confusion

Sexual orientation confusion is a common sexual issue faced by individuals who are unsure about their sexual orientation. It is characterized by feelings of confusion, anxiety, and self-doubt regarding one’s sexual identity. Sexuality counselling & therapy can help individuals explore their sexual identity and develop a positive self-image, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sexuality counselling focuses on addressing sexual concerns and issues, while sex therapy is a more specialized form of therapy that focuses on treating sexual dysfunction and enhancing sexual function.

The duration of sexuality counselling & therapy varies depending on the individual’s needs and treatment goals. Some clients may require only a few sessions, while others may require long-term therapy.

Sexuality counselling & therapy is suitable for both individuals and couples who are facing sexual issues and concerns.

Many insurance plans cover sexuality counselling & therapy, but it is essential to check with your insurance provider to confirm coverage.

Sexuality counsellors and therapists typically have a degree in psychology or a related field, and additional training in sexuality counselling and therapy.

How Our Psychotherapists in Vaughan Can Help You

At InnerSight Psychotherapy, we recognize that conversations and issues surrounding sexuality can be difficult to approach. Our therapists and counsellors can help you approach these challenges in a way that is positive and constructive. Whether you and your spouse or struggling with your sex life, or you are trying to overcome triggers from a prior sexual assault, or you need to find ways to talk to your children about sex, we can help you. Our approach is based on empathy, openness and the utmost confidentiality.

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